Jeg oppdaget nettopp et helt fantastisk nettsted - Monochrome Weekly Theme - med en utrolig samling med blogg-linker til personer som er hektet på monochrome fotografier. Og siden jeg allerede hadde vært igjennom den prosessen på gravemaskinbildet under, så forsøker jeg meg...
I just discovered this wonderful site - Monochrome Weekly Theme - with an amazing collection of links to people who love and take monochromatic photographs! Since I already have been through the process with my picture from the (but here I ended up with a trace of blue in it...), I dare to try with my b/w-version as well!
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for 5 timer siden
15 kommentarer:
this is lovely!
Have started a new meme Pet Pride where you can display your or your friends’ pets every week beginning every Sunday! Do join in and share your pet pride with the world!
This is a nice pic. I like the movement, the harshness suits the subject matter.... really nice and perfect for the monochrome...
Så vakkert og tøft på én gang! Og for en flott side du har!
A very fine image and if you excuse the pun, has real bite.
You are very welcome to MonoWeekly with work like this.
Flott bilde. Likte veldigodt s/w behandlingen av dette.
Is that a backhoe? This shot has a great sense of power and movement.
This is absolutely stunning...very nice shot! Even my last post is also monochrome..:)
Fascinating photo! It has earthy grit in a very artistic gesture!
Jeg hadde nær sagt sagt: Dig in!
Kloss på er ofte tingen - som her.
Welcome to the group! It's great to know another photographer interested in making monochromatic pictures.
Strong shot and great in black and white. Nice capture.
Big scoop .. good shot
Very nice b&w. There are a lot of shades of grey in it.
Enda en utfordring som virker å være interessant :)
Bidraget ditt er absolutt stilig - godt gjort!
Pretty neat shot here!
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